Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia implemented Outcomes-Based Assessment for Internationally qualified registered nurses in 2020. OSCE is the practical component in The Outcomes-Based Assessment for IQRNS. The Objective Structured Clinical Examination is a multifunctional assessment tool that may be used to evaluate IQRN’s in a clinical context. Objective evaluation and direct observation are used to establish a person’s level of competency in a given task. Students can be consistently evaluated on a wide range of clinical competencies according to their accuracy, objectiveness, and reproducibility. In contrast to a normal clinical exam, the OSCE may evaluate important aspects of IQRN’s efficacy, such as communication skills and the ability to handle unexpected patient behavior.

IQRN’s who want to work in the healthcare industry in Australia will need to demonstrate their ability to practice safely and professionally in the country by demonstrating their current knowledge and abilities.

OSCE for RN’s is a preparation course for the OBA in Australia, which is why the OSCE for RNs is offered. This course is designed to assist IQRNs to improve their professional knowledge and practical abilities.

This course is specially designed for Internationally Qualified nurses to pass OSCE as part of Outcomes-Based Assessments. In order to prepare for the OSCE test, they will be able to learn topics relevant to Australian nursing care and evaluate their existing nursing knowledge through ongoing assessment reviews.

All IHM campuses have state-of-the-art simulation centers that provide Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) simulation and practice sessions for your preparation for OSCE. Learn about the Australian healthcare system, its cultural diversity, and the nursing practice standards expected by Australian employers with this training.

This course’s instructors are all Registered Nurses in Australia who have either worked in a hospital or completed an OSCE in Australia and are now teaching or training.